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The project concerned the design of the future of bodycam police cameras using vision system technology for 30 years in the future. This would use vision system technology to help with the police officer in helping to provide more information and help to reduce accidents in situations. At the same time, the laws on transparency, autonomy and accountability had been accounted for, to aid in the feasibility of being accepted into a community.


Research was conducted on Police violence, past social trends, the perspective of a policeman, ethics, laws, psychology and politics create a detailed prospective map of the world in 30 years from the present. It was found that the technology is not a solution onto itself, and to move forward, a proper integration into the community by accounting for the research above would have to be done to ensure feasibility (ethically and practically).


The actually technology included many sensors that provide a detailed sensory map, allowing for more detailed information to be provided to the police officer to assess in many working situations.


The design incorporated these sensors, as well as an AI to help with the evaluation of sensor inputs to explain them simply to the officer. The design was conceptually possible but any vision system from concept to prototype needs to have small trials to assess them in the communities they are involved in.


Overall, the project provided a detailed insight into the complex issues of police management, as well as providing more background information of vision systems in the present and future.

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All Works © 2022 Frank Worcester

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