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The product is an extruded aluminium toilet paper and brush
holder, completed as part of a live brief with SAPA.

The unique selling point of this design is the reduced environmental life-cycle impact of designing with aluminium extrusion to simplify manufacturing and the flat-pack design fitting to a trend in increasing compact living environments.
Aluminium 6063 O was used mainly, with a secondary material of Iroko wood, both of which had high water and chemical resistance.

A deep appreciation of aluminium extrusion was gained and the product fulfilled all areas of the PDS adequately. The product would fit the price range of £10-30 and is aimed at reducing waste as a product that will last 10 years of service to the user, be easily disassembled for the wooden parts to be 100% biodegradeable and the aluminium parts to be 100% recycled into new products.
Further work would require prototype testing to ensure proper mechanical function of the parts. In addition, the product could be expanded into different anodised ranges. A tool die should be constructed to aid in manufacturing feasibility. Contact with SAPA, to aid in feasibility, should be carried out before manufacture in terms of the cost of machining and extrusion in order to get fully detailed manufacturing costs.

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All Works © 2022 Frank Worcester

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